Thank You Volunteers

Post date: Oct 06, 2018 1:23:4 PM

While on the subject of the post office, I (Bill Braun) want to thank Bob Sutherland again for his steadfast effort in transporting and organizing the hundreds of UPS and FedEx packages that are delivered each season to the mainland ferry terminal for transport by us to the island.  We receive a fee from these carriers under a contract to provide this service, and Bob’s unwavering volunteer effort day after day provides a significant benefit to both the ferry system and island residents.

This is also a good time to acknowledge the Volunteer Fire Department, Garden Club, Recreation Committee, Golf Committee, Conservation Commission, Land Management Committee, Investment Committee, Planning Board Committee, Public Safety Committee, Education Steering Committee, Marina Committee, Frye Island Inc. Board, School Board Rep, Volunteer IT Director, Executive Committee and all the other volunteer boards, committees and individuals who freely and often anonymously invest their time and effort for all of our benefit.