Covid 19 - Corona Virus

Post date: Mar 16, 2020 5:10:23 PM

Text of Town-wide Email of 3-16-20:

We have obviously been monitoring the Corona Virus situation closely, in particular the measures taken by nearby communities, with an eye toward how developments might affect Frye Island and its residents.  There seem to be three issues with respect to Frye Island: 1) Whether allowing people coming from disparate communities to repopulate Frye Island introduces incremental risk of propagation of disease, either to the incoming Frye Island residents or others; 2)  Whether any provisions special to Frye Island will be needed to prevent spread of the virus, and 3) How we will handle a case where someone on Frye Island contracts the virus.

At present we plan to open the island on time on April 24, and will update you if that changes.  If you have or suspect you may have the virus, please do not come to Frye Island until you are virus free and/or after the 2-week quarantine period.  In particular do not plan to self-quarantine on Frye Island.  Assuming we open as usual, the same precautions we are taking in our home communities: general good judgment, handwashing, care about personal contact, avoidance of crowds, etc., will also apply on Frye Island, and we’ll determine what if any other measures might be prudent as we learn more and get closer to island opening.  As you may know, many jurisdictions have ordered public buildings, bars, restaurants and other public gathering places closed, and we will have some decisions to make about Frye Island activities and venues (Café, Lounge, Recreation, etc.) as the situation develops.  We’ll keep you up to date by email and the website.